This is just a vague idea, but how about an anti rape chastity belt women could put on, so they could...?
Walk around at night without fear?
You could wear it on nights when you know you won't be having sex and just leave the key at home, or else hide it in some unbelievably messy compartment of your handbag :D
How about it? If something like this was invented would you wear it or would it just be too much hassle? What about a similar one for guys to wear in prison so they can't be raped?
NOTE to the knee jerk reactionists: I'm not justifying rape in the slightest, I'm saying that since we all agree there are some sick people in this world would this not be an ideal defense against them?
Awesome, but that wouldn't be as effective as Feminism.
BTW, rape is more often than not, about power and not about sex.
It wouldn't work. If the rapist wanted it bad enough, he'd hold a gun to her head until he made her take it off. Rape is not about sex, it's about evil power over someone else.
I'll admit, I missed the boat on the anti rape chastity belt.
But since I predict that such a device will merely lead to other types of sexual assault, I intend to rush to my local patent office and stake my claim to the following devices:
1. Anti-Fellatio face-guard (It's like a hockey goalie's mask, but with sharp metal spikes facing outward. It prevents oral rape)
3. Anti-Anal rabid rectal weasel (A live weasel, with rabies, in a tube. Inserted in the anus like a large tampon, it prevents anal rape. WARNING: Always insert Anal Weasel facing outward)
4. Anti-Fondling nipple-defenders (Bra inserts sprayed with poison ivy. They serve to discourage fondling, groping, tweeking, pinching, mauling, motorboating, and tuning-in-Tokyo of breasts)
Patents Pending, people!!!!
I think if someone wanted to rape you, and there was a'd end up worse.
Just a guess.
Chastity belts are available, I wouldn't put one on and traipse around late at night as if I were safe from any harm. That'd be stupid.
Yes, it makes sense.
And not only as anti-rape device, but also insurance against loosing control over herself being drunk, etc.
No I don't think that idea would go over very well but what about every man wearing some contraption on their private parts so they could not rape anyone. A woman would be in control of the key. :)
edit: It would be better to be safe than sorry. All men should wear them.
Single men could give the key to his Mother or Aunt, I bet there would be a lot less unplanned pregnancies if he had to ask for a key from his Mother. :)
ok so now how do you stop a man from forcing oral sex to be performed on himself
I do not see how it is a woman's responsibility to wear a contraption like this because some men think rape is an acceptable action. To not rape is the responsibility of the man, not the woman.
EDIT - I would love to know where you get your reasoning that rape is about sex... it actually really really isn't. I can quote you a vast number of psychological journal articles that prove it is about power.
every time you broach this subject you slam your foot so far down your throat i suspect it shoots out your @ss.
i suggest you stop.
there are a million problems with your little suggestion but i'll start with the one that hit me first....
women are not raped by strangers.
women are raped by people they know.
think about it. a good friend of yours knocks on your are alone and he asks to use your phone. you think nothing of it, because he's a friend and you don't think he'd do anything to you.
and he rapes you.
or you are on a date. the two of you start messing around. you consent to oral, you fool around a little bit, but then you want to stop. and he rapes you.
women aren't being mobbed on the street (often)
the men we have to fear are the very men we are most likely to let our guard down around
So, it's okay to suggest every woman is a potential victim, but not a every man a potential rapist? how is THAT not sexist?
It's a great idea in theory, but I'd question the practicality. In order for a would be rapist to not be able to find a way to "get around the system" so to speak, it'd likely have to be bulky and uncomfortable. I think some women would wear it, but from a purely business oriented standpoint, the cost would probably be too high to really demand a lot buying.
I think it'd be nice to get something out there that'll cut down on the amount of rapes, but I just don't see this idea working out, sorry. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time I've ever been wrong.
As to the one for men in prison, I'm afraid that one has no chance of success. If it isn't prison issue, they(the higher ups) aren't going to allow inmates to wear it.
Thanks and I hope this helps.
it would be good for rape victims who have a fear of leaving their house. it should come with a pepper spray attachment you can release by citing a specific word. Or a pair of punching gloves that can be released to punch a mans balls just like that asian guy from the goonies. Good idea. People would buy it.
"Hmm a anti rape belt hey well i would just make me angry so i would beat her senseless and use her throat instead as a vagina."
As you can imagine by the above text a chastity belt would not save you from someone determined.
its not a bad idea but there are lots of problems with it. chastity belts are bulkly and not very practical.
As a side note i will say that rape appals almost all men which is why many rapists live in solitary confinment in prison to protect them from the general community.
If you are worried about having a drunken one night stand just dont shave your legs or if you are wearing a full top do the same with your armpits. that should dampan your own thoughts on sex.
I've got bolt cutters
That is one of the main problems that I see when it comes to violence against women. We want to hold women responsible. How about if we put a cage around the man that makes it impossible for him to rape her? Sounds ridiculous right....
Well it is just as ridiculous to suggest something like this. The point is that NO ONE has rights to my body but me and that NO ONE should have to lock themselves up to protect their own body!
The problem with rape (of both men and women) is that it is about people feeling like they have a right to violate another persons body. If we ALL respected each other and the value of that person's right to say no, then it would be a whole different ballgame
Oi! You have to love Wiki.
How about men have a lock on their penises so they don't just walk around whipping it out on people and raping them? I never understand arguments like this, suggesting that women wear or don't wear certain things to avoid being raped. How about guys learn to control themselves instead of trying to control other women.
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