Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bigger Belly (Women with more than one pregnancy under their belt)?

I am on my second pregnancy and only 5 weeks along. Although I haven't gained any weight yet and my clothes are stil comfortable, I do see that already my belly is starting to swell a little in the lower part. I've heard that second pregnancies women tend to show faster, but I did not expect it because I am three sizes smaller than I was when I got pregnant last time. I don't look pregnant yet, obviouisly and my clothes hide my little pooch, but I was just curious - women that have more than one child, when did you start to notice belly changes?

haha! i'M GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING MYSELF, BUT i'M IN MY ALST TRIMESTER NOW. i LOOKED 5 MONTHS PREGNANT WHEN i WAS 3, 7 MONTHS WHEN i WAS FIVE... AND SO ON. The good part is, I have hardly gained the weight I did with the first one, it just really pops! I don't know why... Like you I was in better shape, but everyone knew when I was pregnant this time for sure! Take care!

first was at 7 months (well when i looked pregnant), second I was showing at 5 months, third i was showing at about 3 months.

I'm now 39 weeks with my second and when I was about 8 weeks I started to notice the pooch. I've been measuring about 2 weeks further then I actually am this whole pregnancy. My Dr said this is normal for moms on their second or third because the stomach muscles and uterus are more lax, so it takes less for them to begin to stretch out. a pain in the butt around 12 weeks when the top of your jeans wont work with your belly anymore but completely normal. Good luck!

With my 1st i only started showing 5 months along. With my 2nd had a huge tummy when i was 2 months and by 5 months i looked huge and everyone thought i was almost ready to give birth, so with my personal experience the 2nd pregnancy you show quicker.

With my second, I started showing pretty much right away. Especially if you are smaller, you are going to show sooner. I am now on my third pregnancy and I'm carrying twins and I also started to get big pretty quickly (by 3 months I looked 6 months). But it's not uncommon to show soon with your second (or third) even if it's a singleton.

If you have lost weight that will be one reason you are showing earlier. They say that the second pregnancies show earlier because the muscles in the uterus are more relaxed. In my first I did not start showinguntil I was like 6 months, and this time I am showing at 4 months. I am still not gaining weight (not sure why) but I am getting a big belly!

It's actually more common to show faster after your first pregnancy. Alot of times this is because when you get pregnant for the first time, your inners need time to stretch to accomadate your new arrival. The second time around, your body already knows what to do and things happen faster. Even though you're smaller than you were before you got pregnant the first time, the tendons that are attached to the uterus have already stretched from your first prenancy, so they do what's natural and allow things to "fall" forward faster.

I have 2 kids and one on the way. With my first one I didn't show until I was 6 months pregnant. With my second one I was only 4 or 5 months when everyone knew just by looking that I was pregnant. I just hit my 3rd trimester like 3 days ago and I get people telling me that I am way too big to make it 3 more months, I have been hearing that I am SOOO big for however many months I happen to be when I hear this. It kinda sucks but the sad thing is, I lost weight with the all day morning sickness early on this time and I am one pound away from my starting weight now. (I had lost 20 pounds). But it is really just one of those things I guess with every pregnancy you show faster. Good Luck!

To me it might be a couple things. First you didn't mention how long between pregnancies you have. So not being 100% after first one might make you show earlier. Another thing might actually be that you have lost a considerable amount of weight since last one. Every pregnancy's different. Ihave had 5 healthy babies and each one is very different and so was each pregnancy. Good luck with everything :) Oh and why try to hide it? Go buy those cute pregnancy t-shirts and tops and BE PREGNANT its not gonna be as long as it feels and the attention is fun!

With my first I started showing at 6 months, second was 4 months, with my third - I had a belly by 8 weeks. I couldn't fit into my jeans anymore. It was obvious to everyone by 10 weeks.

My first 2 are almost 2 years apart, I didn't lose all my baby weight between them. Now those two are 5 &7 (birthdays are almost here though) and I'm 40weeks 5 days with my 3rd. After my second was born I continued to gain weight, and wasn't taking care of myself. Then I lost over 100lbs! I got pregnant with this one and have gained 60lbs.

Well, the smaller you are the faster you show. I have 4 kids and my first pregnancy I didn't show until I was 38weeks. My other 3 pregnancies I showed at 6weeks.

So yes 2nd pregnancy and more you do show faster. But also depends on the size of the woman.

good luck!!!

For my second thats how I found out I was pregnant because of my belly. Everyone's told me I've been big since I found out I was pregnant! I started showing VERY early so your not alone! Its normal for your 2nd, 3rd.. etc to show sooner.

I was almost 6 months before I started showing with my first. My second you tell at 4 months.


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