Saturday, September 19, 2009

Can a woman beat a man without a hit below the belt?

We are talking about the average woman and man in a fight. Not some person who is very muscular or has lots of martial arts experiance. But in a street where a woman might have to defend herself.

Shove her thumbs in his eyes. Cup her hands and pop his ear drums. Fishhook the inside of his mouth. Punch his throat. Give him a wedgie. Hit him with a brick. Bite, scratch, rip, tear. Fight dirty and don't worry about if its ok to hit him below the belt. If he's trying to hurt you grab his manhood and pull it off. Fighting fair will get you messed up when your attacker is stronger and doesn't care about martial arts class etiquette. When things become violent do what you have to do to get home safe to your loved ones.

For the person with little or no training the only thing that will stop someone in a fight for your life is to use BOTH HANDS WITH ALL OF YOUR FINGERS and go for BOTH eyes, at least one finger will find its target. Strikes to the neck or groin may be missed and if not done right at the very least will have cost you precious seconds. I am 260 pounds and I can be hurt just as easily as you. Also be aware of your surroundings at all times, and be prepared to take some damage before the fight is over,but have in your mind that you will be the one that walks away.

Possibly. A poke in the eye is also very effective.

Yes. She doesn't need a weapon either because the street is the best weapon of all!

Absolutely, no question about it.

Yep....been there, done that.

aim for his throat. even a weak impact will cause him to retreat enough to escape. or a heavy impact will drop him, hopefully to death if he has ill intent towards the woman.

Easy, head kicks. In the street, you want to just get away you don't really want to fight people in those types of situations. Knives tend to come out. However, a woman could easily knock a man out with a well placed kick to the jaw/neck. She'd have to be trained to do so though. Learning pressure point strikes would be a huge help too. Those strikes would be very effective and crippling (which is why they're illegal in most MMA venues).

No problem. All you need is skill and that famous "below the belt' hit is not even as effective as a blow to the Adams apple.

I knew a girl that had a metal plate in her purse. That did the trick very well.

Depends on the woman and the man. Your answer is sure, a woman can beat a man, all she has to do is poke him in the eye as hard as she can with one finger, I promise he will stop whatever he was doing prior to the eye poke. Odds are pretty good she will have a few seconds to react while he is screaming in pain at the loss of his eye. A lot can happen in a few seconds.

Yes without a doubt, hitting a guy below the belt does not guarantee victory, there are some men out there who can effectively take a blow there. I would say if a woman has enough training in any martial art/self defense they can effectively take a man out. Also blows to the ear and jaws will also do the trick depending on the position of blows, speed and strength.

Always depends upon individuals. I have met some women that don't do martial arts; but can fight. Just like some guys that couldn't fight their way out of wet paper bag.

If one becomes aware of nerve points on body; everyone has them. Many points above body will control anyone. Truly a groin shot no good. Good spot if below waste, is inside thigh, or center of thigh on out side. Let alone left/right leg calf area, dead center middle...Another point below body,,,to assist.

Bowling ball concept. You understand how to grab bowling ball? Okay,,,if someone larger attacks,,,grabing your body and pulling you in. (Dangerous move, injury will happen if performed,,,,be careful) you take your hands slide them up to left and right side of face... Middle finger hooks in just below ear, into jaw joint, pointing finger to center of noise in front...At same time your thumb goes into opponents eye. The areas address, both cause body reaction...

Finger below jaw bone, pointing into nose,,,causes head to go foreward....

Thumb in eye,,,cause head go back....Your creating to directions of movement at once, to controll opponent. THIS IS SELF-DEFENSE MOVE ONLY


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