Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm appauld by all the people that think it's right for a dad to spank a teen fully grown women with a belt!?

My dad said he is going to spank me tomorrow with his belt; I have not been spanked since I was 15 and that was by mom. Last week, I threw a party, got drunk, when my parents wern't home. It was along story; the police were involved and everything; go to my question in the family's section if u want to to find out more bcus I'm too lazy to explain it again, but anways, my parents grounded me for the month and my friends asked me to go out tonight; i begged my parents but they said no way so I called my mom a fu&$ing bit5$ and my dad an a*#h$le and he started screaming and said "if I think I can call my parents, then I am not too old for a spanking." My mom like totally agreed, and my fu$7$ng dad then said "get a good sleep tonight youspoiled brat bcsu u sure will be sleeping on ur stomach tomorrow." I'm in my room like wicked nervous now; when I was spanked by mom when I was 15, I had to ebnd over the bed and she pulled my pants down and spanked me w/ her belt.

Well I was going to suggest you move out because you said your a fully grown women. However now you mentioned your 17, ah-well - their roof, their rules. Your still underage, a child, and acting like it. Good luck with the "bottom buster", and I hope you learn from this.

If you behave like a child expect to be treated like one.

EDIT** Anyone else responding to this question get a nasty email?? Being a parent is not fun adn I'm sure your father is nto enjoying himself. Be glad he is waiting until tomorrow when he is no longer angry. Many children do not have that luxury and THAt is when spanking easily turns to abuse. What you've described above is not.

I am appalled by all the people (like you, for instance) who don't bother to spell correctly and who use incorrect grammar.

It sounds to me like you deserve the spanking. And just because you are a girl does not mean you should not be spanked! That would be sexism. And if the police were involved, you should just be glad you got grounded and will get a spanking instead of getting arrested.

And by the way, if you are 17, you are not a "fully grown woman". You will not be a fully grown woman until you are 18 and thus legally an adult, unless you live somewhere where one becomes an adult at a younger age.

youre 17 and they beat you?

just tell your dad no you are to old to be spanked,grounding you should be enuff tell him you are way to old to get the belt if he does anything report him it is abuse i hope this did not happen already .

Are you serious? Am I being punk'd right now? Really.

Let's see, your parents trust you to stay home alone, but are you responsible? no. you went and threw a party and got drunk. (oh and lets be reminded that you're underage.How nice?) Then the cops get involved, even better! So they ground you for a month--I'm guessing they were being very lenient. Then you want to go out with you're friends, even though you really REALLY dont deserve to, at all. And to top it all off you curse your parents off! Are you really 17?

I don't agree with your dad having you take your pants off and spanking you, that seems very uncomfortable and suspicious if you ask me. However, I do agree that they have every right to discipline you to their fullest advantage. If I pulled off an act like that, my parents would have me in military school before the week was over. Learn something from this and grown up.

I'm sorry for you, but I think that parents have a right to discipline their children, even spanking.

Cursing your parents? That's NO respect. If one of my grown children cursed me, I would knock them out cold! There would be a new-found respect when they came back to. Now that's abuse! So is cursing your parents.

Part of what's wrong with the generation of people in this country today is lack of discipline.

If you call the police on your dad for spanking you, just remember that YOU were in the wrong, and he was correcting you. I don't believe spanking is abuse!

Wait until you have kids. Raise them anyway you choose. But I'll guarantee you that if they get a spanking every time it's needed, they will be much more respectful to you and to their elders.

Do you hear yourself?! You have absolutely no respect for your parents as they are doing what's in your best interest regardless if you understand it now...you will when you become a real woman...as you are not a 'woman' but still much a young teenager.

If a spanking is what you need to get your head out of your ***...then so be it. You have no idea how much your parents do you for you behind the scenes, putting a roof over your head, provide clothes for you, feed you, pay for medical, school...learn to appreciate things than worry about not being able to get drunk so that you can be seen as 'cool' by your friends that you will most not likely have in 5 years.

Also, it's spelled 'appalled'...not appauld...uh, if you know yo're getting a spanking tomorrow...have you thought about wearing regular underwear rather than a thong. That's out of your own stupidity if you choose to wear a thong for it.

Oh you should be treated much worse. You are far from a little princess my dear.

I applaud them as well.

My Dad would of punched me in the face, my mom would of through cans at me until I bleed to death. No Joke

First of all, you shouldn't have gotten grounded in the first place. Now you're mad at your parents from grounding you for something you did. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER cuss at your parents. Angry words only make the situation worse.

But, a parent should never hit or abuse their child. It may be an empty threat, but if he actually does hit you, then GET OUT. Go to a friend's house- but don't get drunk! that will not make things better! call the police. report an abusing by your parents. Those sorts of things are illegal.

You did start this though, so don't start blaming your parents for it.

NO WAY! That is child abuse. You need to call someone for help. That is not only abuse it is very weird for either parent to have you pulling your pants down while they "spank" you. This is not right.

i myself use to get whipped all the time when i was younger...actually even up until like 9th grade :) and looking back i think i needed it becasue i was hard headed. but what your parents need to realize is at some point a whipping aint gonna cut if their kid is almost 18. if a whipping aint helped by this point one more aint gonna do anything to help. im not gonna judge you on what youve done cuz ive done worst trust me :)...but at this point if your parents cant control you they need to sit you down and talk. i definately think a punishment is due...like grounding or taking away car or phone....something that hurts a young adult...but if they need it to be more severe they may need to give you a time limit to to move out if this has been a continuous problem. hope ive helped

>But this time, it’s going to be my dad doing it

Wonder why? You mom tried it; seemingly she couldn't make enough of an impression on your backside.

>and I am going insane right now!

Seems you may have been insane to disobey them and to call them foul names and curse them!

>I know it's going to be on my underwear because he knows

>it hurts more

And likely it would really sting if it were on the bare.

>that will, but I will be humiliated bcus my dad will get to see >me wearing a thong!

So, don't wear the thong!

>Isn’t this awful.

Seems what YOU did was "awful".

>I can see boys being spanked, but girls should not be >treated like this!

What happened to the women's lib movement, the demands for equal treatment, etc.?

>I should be his princess;

Maybe you should have acted and talked like you were their "princess".

>this should not be happening!

Yes, you should not have done thos things!! And you should not have said those things!!

>And for anyone that agrees,

>well you’re a fu$8ing jerk; stupid adults!

You write, you ask our opinions. And then you SWEAR at us.

You are one SICK girl.


You threw a party without your parents consent and got drunk (under age), which could have gotten your parents in BIG trouble. I say.... you deserve a good spanking. Take it like a man, errr, woman and grow up. Sorry.

BTW - a "teen fully grown woman" is the biggest oxymoron I've ever heard.

***edit: yes, I got a "nasty" email as well. She's entitled to her opinion though. That's what she gets for asking a bunch of strangers if she deserved a spanking or not.

Should have known better!!! But you are still a child and it is not against the law to spank you!! It is against the law for you to drink. And you deserve it!!! I would spank my kids for doing that!!! Never treat your parents with disrespect, and I can tell that you do not respect them!

Better not do that again! And I hope that you learned your lesson!

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! DUH! Are you stupid, ignorant or all of the above???? You A threw party that was not approved B involved police C involved under age drinking & D you cussed your parents out

You are NOT a grown women you are only 17 (legally still a kid) and you don't ACT like a grown women so you deserve to be treated the same way you were when you were 15.

If you want to call your self a grown women the act like one and not throw an underage party and, here's a huge one, take responsibility for your actions

If I was your parent I would have whooped your little smart alike butt last week when you threw the party and I would have removed your cell phone and computer.

I say GREAT job Mom and Dad for being a GOOD parent that keeps their kid in control.

Maybe next time you'll no better.

By the way I'm not some older person either I'm only 2 years older then you and I'd still get whooped if I called my parents that. It's TOTALLY disrespectful to the people who gave you life!

Dude, first of all why dont u just NOT wear a thong? is that all you have? are you THAT big a hoe?

also, its your parents choice to decide your punishments until your 18 and a legal adult, and if they want the punishment to be a good whipping then that sucks balls for you!

You are lucky they don't send your ungrateful little back talking drunk *** to some far away school for delinquent kids..

You are still the kid...a minor don't forget that....

You deserve every last lick you get..If I said that to my parents, my dad would knock my block off.. I would be begging for a spanking....

PS don't wear a thong if you don't want dad to see it....

First off that it abuse/assault whatever category you want to put it under so if you want to get all technical, they can get in trouble for that.

Second, stop being a brat and go apologize to them. You are 17. It's an age where you are almost an adult and you do and are about to do a lot of stupid things. It's up to you to be mature about it.


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