Should women by law be allowed to have an abortion?
They are required to wear a seat belt when they are in a car.
I have heard many say a woman has the right to do with her body as she wants.
I have seen some say we have to wear a seatbelt for the safty of others.
What about the safty of the unborn child? Don't tell me it is not fully developed and it doesn't matter.
If a man beats a pregnant woman and her baby dies he can be tried for murder of that baby.
Why are women allowed to kill their babies. They should have thought abput getting pregnant before they slept around.
No it is murder. Life is life.
What about those who kill the babys of pregnant women? I have heard they are charged with murder. What is the difference.
no. they are not allowed to murder grown-ups so why should they be allowed to murder children?
who said they slept around? you! what about rape, incest, mothers who cannot carry child to term for health reasons?
abortion may not be the best choice but it is the women's choice to make. i would much rather see a focus on the adoption system, prevention of unwanted pregnancies, education of our youth but with all or any of that at some point in time an abortion may be the only viable option and you do not have the right to take that choice away. why not focus on making things better instead of finding ways to divide.
God said He knew you before you were born and that you are hand crafted.
Every child is a miracle that deserves the chance to change the world.
What if you mom had not kept you?
They have a right to an abortion. They don't need a law.
The only people in this country we actually give the right to commit murder at will is pregnant women.It is thoroughly disgusting.
Yes. It isn't a baby. You shouldn't ever have sex unless you have conceiving children if you feel this way because all those little sperm could be making babies.
idk people just thnk about thereselves and how well i dont want a baby well u should have thought a bout that before but if its rape thats unother story!I think it should be against the law because the baby is a human being the second he or she is concevied now you may not agree and i respect that but listen to what i have to say God has made up every single detail of this child [yes child] when the very first moment of conception has happend there is a baby a child a human a living thing inside of you nomatter the situation there is a child inside and great point on the murderer concept if a womans child is killed by beating while inside of the mothers womb they can go to jail but if the woman has an abortion she has done nothing wrong its just not right we could have had a cure to cancer or any other decease and maybe the world would live in peace no countrie would ever fight maybe you just killed the savior! think about that. you just killed a whole entire generation of pe
ople because that child could have gotten married had children and them have children ect. ect. not only would you kill one p[erson but another and even made someone loose there spouse. did you ever think about that! i strongly beleive abortion is bad if you agree say it loud and proud!
It isn't a baby until it is born. Abortion should always be legal and safe.
Think about it. Who is having abortions? Liberal women. The way I see it, it can't be all bad aborting future liberal democrats.
"killing" it or even considering it "a baby" is a personal (value) judgement. Until a certain point in the preganancy it is NOT viable outside the womb.
There doesn't need to be a law, because it is a right. That's what the Supreme Court ruled. If you are against abortion, why not educate it away instead of legislate it away? To prevent a woman from having an abortion, are you willing to take her and the child in, or are you merely spouting rhetoric?
The only time people get pregnant is if they're sleeping around? Maybe you need something more to do with your life than criticize people for making the hardest decision they'll ever have to face.
This is coming from someone who can not have children.
Edit: So based on what David S. says, I should not have sex WITH MY HUSBAND, nor should I be married because the bible says to get married and make babies. GOD made me defective and left me unable to have children. So spare me the stinkin, lyin' bible.... I hope those of you who say abortion goes against "the bible" don't have refrigerators. The bible says the only way to preserve food is through salting it. Or are you annointed to t pick & choose what parts of the bible apply to me?
yes. what if a woman takes ALL procautions not to get pregnant (birth control, condoms ect) and she STILL gets pregnant? Shes obvouisly trying NOT to but unforntunaily nothing is 100%. So I believe she is
i know! a baby is a baby and i think it should be illegal. and exactly...whose fault is it? they have to live with the consequences. and what ever happened to adoption?
There's a right to life, proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence. So no, Abortion is murder and by what the Declaration of Independence says, Christians are allowed to overthrow the government.
no its just like murder
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