Friday, August 21, 2009

How Lame Was Madusa Dumping the WWE Women's Belt on Nitro?

December, 1995--Alundra Blayze--Madusa Miceli shows up on Monday Nitro and dumps the WWE Women's Title Belt into the trash and says this is what she thinks of it. . .

After almost 2 years in WWE

1. Vince makes her a fan favorite and the fans were 100% behind her.

2. Vince puts her over long time WWE woman wrestler Luna Vachon

3. Vince put her over the legendary Bull Nakano--if you want details let me know I have almost a term paper on this one;

3. Vince puts her over the Monster Ripper-sorry, I mean Bertha Faye--another Don Vinnie slap at women's wrestling.

While the physical belt was different, it is the title of Moolah, Wendi Richter, Lelani Kai, Velvet McIntyre, and Sherri Martel--and Bull Nakano and the Ripper as well--and almost Aja Kong but Madusa put the kabosh on that.

Question: How lame was what Madusa did?

My Answer: As lame as it gets--she should be ashamed and should apologize.

FYI: I respect Madusa as a wrestler and I respect her discipline and love of pro wrestling but this was way out of line.

Almost As Bad As Rhino Tossing The ECW Championship In The Trash And Burning It On TNA!

To Me It Is Disrespectful and It Burns Your Bridges With The WWE!

Here Is A Thought: Would Bret Hart Really Have Kept His Word About Not Bringing The WWF Championship With Him To WCW?

That sucks. Especially since because of that, the WWE "screwed" Bret Hart thinking that when he left to WCW, he would do the exact same thing with the WWF title.

At the time it was huge. Sure, 14 years on it looks lame, but it was still a big thing for the time.

Yeah and WCW didnt do jack sh!t with her either, thats what makes it so stupid.

very lame


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