Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What do women prefer a man that where a belt or a man that wheres suspenders?

Wearing a belt is more updated when it comes to fashion... i would suggest wearing suspenders... unless there's some way you know how to wear suspenders and make them look cool..

suspenders are sexy as hell. seriously. do it.

suspeders are repulsive. question answered.

A belt.

a belt. suspenders are hideous

Belt. Suspenders look tacky unless its worn under a dress jacket.

a belt because men in suspenders seem old in age

a belt is much much better.

a belt for sure!


LoL, I agree with Monger187

Try wearing suspenders for a few months, then come back and ask again.


belt please

Suspenders are for old men! Wear a belt please!

definitely a belt. suspenders are tacky and cheap looking. Of course, it you are punk or rocker, the girls could definitely go for the suspender look. It is very punk.

most definitely belts...i mean suspenders are soooo cheesy!!



A belt

A BELT!!First of all suspeneders are way out of style and second of all suspenders only look good if they are under a dress jacket!!


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